Sunday 21 July 2013

Yoo Jae Suk looks Moderate Exercising in a Gym | All K-POP World


Recently, a photograph with the caption This is what Yoo Jae Suk’s appearance in real life. In the Gym in-post in an online community.

In the photo, the Nation’s MC was seen exercising in front of a mirror in a gym wearing a simple gray shirt, black sweatpants, and a pair of gloves. Yoo Jae Suk has a body that looks fit in this picture.

The fans commented:

Wow, great body

So, the secret he is to have a strong stamina is going to the gym?”

I’m very jealous of his wife Na Kyung Eun

Yep, it seems the Grasshopper hilarious always go to the gym so that runoff in strong running Running Man ^ ^

Baru-baru ini, sebuah foto dengan judul “Seperti inilah penampilan Yoo Jae Suk dalam kehidupan nyata. Di Gym” di-post di sebuah komunitas online.

Di foto itu, sang ‘Nation’s MC’ terlihat sedang berolahraga di depan cermin dalam sebuah gym dengan mengenakan kaos abu-abu simpel, celana olahraga hitam, dan sepasang sarung tangan. Yoo Jae Suk terlihat memiliki tubuh yang fit di foto ini.

Para fans berkomentar :

“Wow, badan yang bagus“

“Jadi, rahasia dia untuk memiliki stamina yang kuat adalah pergi ke gym?“

“Aku sangat iri dengan istrinya Na Kyung Eun“

Yep, tampaknya si Grasshopper kocak ini selalu pergi ke gym biar kuat lari larian di Running Man ^^

credits to yw740030 @ soompi, indotrans by Awfashalx @ KoreanIndo

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